Living Vow Zen LogoMorning Star Zen Sangha

Before You Come

If you have not meditated before, you might check out James Ford's basic instructions for zazen, then give meditating a try.

You can start by sitting for just a few minutes at a time. No need to push yourself too hard. Just get used to sitting upright, still, and in silence. It can be on a cushion or on a chair. Explore what posture works best for you. Try to notice the sensation of your breath for a few minutes, then extend the time bit by bit over a few weeks. When you can sit still for fifteen or twenty minutes, it might be time to try sitting with a group. Sitting with others supports your practice. Our practice periods are Wednesday evenings.

You needn't bring anything at all except, ideally, an open mind. Chairs, cushions, and benches will be available, but if you wish to bring your own meditation cushion or bench, please do so. You may wish to wear somewhat loose-fitting pants.

All orientations and all regular daily practice sessions are offered free of charge. Living Vow Zen does pay rent to maintain Morning Star Zen Sangha's sitting space, so we welcome your donations.

We look forward to meeting you!